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PhotobucketDont rain on my parade:)Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Shes rough around the edges-beautiful on the inside-stays faithful to god-loves fashion-believes money is evil-knows that a key for a successful marriage is pure eyes and a bitten tongue-Hates gossip but loves to talk-Shes an open book-A fighter-A lover-A daughter and A mother



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6/3/07 - 6/10/07 6/17/07 - 6/24/07 7/22/07 - 7/29/07 10/7/07 - 10/14/07 10/21/07 - 10/28/07


Tuesday, June 19, 2007
7:01 PM

From The Sunday Times
April 15, 2007

How to be a perfect wife is not, you might have thought, a very contemporary question. Decades of feminism have been much more concerned with how to be a perfect career woman, exotic lover, fully fledged fashionista, alpha female and, latterly, yummy mummy; being a wife has been somewhat incidental, even for those who get married or stay married.
Gloomy research appears from time to time, suggesting that when women who try to have it all find they can’t, the first thing they give up on is their husbands, not least on sex with their husbands. That may be partly why two marriages out of three end in divorce and most people don’t marry at all; marriage rates are at their lowest since records began.
So was rather quaint to read in The Times last week an article entitled “In search of the good wife”, complete with a questionnaire from 1958. “Do you renew your nail varnish as soon as it chips?” it demands. “Do you go through his clothes every month or so to check on minor repairs? And then do you make them? Would you stay on at a party when you knew he was tired and wanted to go home? Do you use table napkins? Do you know the cheapest cuts of meat? Do you clean your handbag as often as you clean your shoes? Do you resent it when he has a night out with the boys?”
A familiar picture soon emerges of a carefully groomed woman with primped hair and a wasp waist who calms down the children and touches up her lipstick when her husband comes home from work, listens charmingly to his day’s debriefing, and then offers him a well cooked but thrifty dinner.
There was a time not so long ago when that would have been simply ridiculous. This traditional vision of matrimonial labour was considered not just laughable but repressive: a woman’s abilities and ambitions were sacrificed to her husband’s, without any security other than his goodwill.
Now, though, it seems that this vision is being revisited, and not only by Stepford wives, or those alarming “surrendered wives” of the American religious right. Ordinary women are at last beginning to realise that feminists, in their passionate rejection of traditional marriage, may have thrown out the man with the bathwater, and that they rather wish they hadn’t. A man, like a woman, needs an incentive to get married and stay married; feminism forgot that, and forgot too that marriage is more in women’s interests than in men’s.
So the old fashioned question has become interesting again, at least for women who want to find and keep a husband and realise, increasingly, how difficult that is: what makes a good wife? I think women should start by facing some awkward facts.
It’s a mistake in any relationship to insist too much on egalitarian principles. Feminism, understandably, has concentrated too much on women's rights and, by extension, too much on husbands’ duties. Why, on top of working long hours and forsaking all others, would a man put out the garbage and change the nappies for a woman who is too busy with her own career and too tired by her own schedule to bother much about him? Or, to be blunt, to have sex with him?
It may be his duty to put up and shut up and keep on doing the late night feeds and the early morning commuting, but it’s hardly very appealing. Nor is insisting on these duties a very clever way of trying to hold on to a husband, if that is what a woman wants.
One hard fact a would-be wife has to face — and I was absolutely horrified to realise this myself — is that it’s not possible for a married couple to have two demanding jobs and children and a good relationship. Something has to give. If the relationship has to be neglected, then the marriage will fail, which will be very bad for the children. If the children are neglected, then the marriage is worthless anyway.
So something must give on the work front and this is probably, for many women, the price of being a good wife and having a good marriage. Unless a couple are extremely well paid, and have plenty of domestic help, her brilliant career will have to be less brilliant for a while; she will have to spend some time in the Mummy lane.
It could, of course, be the other way round. But another harsh truth is that alpha males won't stay at home in the Daddy lane and nor will plenty of other males of all descriptions; they refuse to be ersatz housewives. They would rather not get married, and as the figures show, increasingly they aren’t, and increasingly, if they are, they move out. So rule number one for a wife is to forget about equal rights and entitlements. Think instead about motivation.
When you want to please your child, or your lover, you think hard about what might make them happy and then do it. It’s not a chore, or even if it is that hardly matters; it’s an act of love or of loyalty. Yet strangely, in marriage this obvious motivational technique seems to wither away with the wedding flowers. Women are convinced it is their right not to have sex when they don’t feel like it, and it is a man’s duty to wash up, though he hates it — and so it is, of course. But that’s not the point. Granny was right; never say no, and never nag.
I think that my generation, and later ones even more so, have been led astray by romantic 1960s notions of sincerity and authenticity; it began to be believed that in the name of existential good faith and psychological well being individuals ought always to act and speak in accordance with their feelings — telling it like is and letting it all hang out. So sex without passionate desire — the boffe de politesse of a kindly marriage — is inauthentic.
Similarly, talking without expressing all one’s resentments and expectations and anxieties is a kind of insincerity, or dishonesty even. But this rather adolescent attitude is entirely at odds with the tolerance, discretion and generosity of body and spirit needed in a good marriage.
Husbands are mostly quite simple. Generally, what they want is unlimited, enthusiastic sex, constant reassurance, good food and plenty of freedom, of at least three of these four. Some can be trained to be very helpful domestically and some even enjoy it; but most are not bred for it. But they have many excellent and endearing qualities; the rewards of living with a well-motivated husband, if not quite above rubies, are very considerable, high though the price may be.

when would you come?..

11:01 AM

So this blog is basically about my mindset. Although i am young my mindset has changed drastically over the years. I fear for my children and the future now more then ever. Yes i understand that the world has never been truly "safe" so to speak but adapting to the old traditional ways has been a security blanket for me. The latest thing i have been contemplating is homeschooling for my children. There is alot of controversey over the years about homeschooled children..ranging from the budget to the development of children that do this option. Being a mom to me is a lifelong responsibility...soon enough they will face the hardships of this world on their own and yes it is my job to prepare them, but how far of protection your children and securing their future would you go? Schools have been promoting sex in my opinion for years now, they rarely speak of abstinence and hand out condoms...saying to me your going to do it anyways so why not protect yourself...that to me isnt good enough. Here is 101 reasons why I am seriously thinking of homeschooling. 1. 'Have sex, do drugs,' speaker tells students
May 21, 2007
Boulder, CO
A guest speaker at an assembly at Boulder High School in Colorado has told students as young as 14 to go have sex and use drugs, prompting school officials to say they will investigate. The instructions came from Joel Becker, an associate clinical professor of psychology at the University of California at Los Angeles. "I am going to encourage you to have sex and encourage you to use drugs appropriately," Becker said during his appearance at the school as part of a recent panel sponsored by the University of Colorado's Conference on World Affairs.
2. 'Gay' cowboy love scenes 'traumatize' schoolgirl, 12
May 13, 2007
Chicago, IL
A 12-year-old girl who says she was traumatized when her teacher showed the film "Brokeback Mountain" featuring love scenes with homosexual cowboys is suing the Chicago Board of Education for $500,000. "What happens in Ms. Buford's class stays in Ms. Buford's class," is what the substitute teacher told eighth-grade students at Ashburn Community Elementary School after showing the R-rated movie, according to a lawsuit filed Friday in Cook County Circuit Court.
3. Another 75 suspended for opposing 'gay' day
May 3, 2007
San Juan, CA
At least another 75 students have been suspended from school in California for wearing shirts that expressed their biblically-based opposition to homosexuality, and the district that, as WND reported, has been imposing the punishments, says those quotations aren't necessarily acceptable because they are from God's Word.
4. Transgender Student Runs for Prom King
April 20, 2007
Fresno, CA
When school officials announce the name of the Fresno High School prom king on Saturday, Cinthia Covarrubias will be wearing a tuxedo just like the six boys vying for the honor. School officials this week added the 17-year-old's name to the ballot for prom king, reversing a previous district protocol that allowed only males to run for king and females for prom queen.
5. Child Carried Toy Gun 'For Protection'
March 21, 2007
Upper Darby, PA
A child who brought a realistic replica of a gun to school told a teacher she needed it "for protection," police said. Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood said the third-grader took the authentic-looking replica of a German Luger pistol, which she apparently thought was real, with her Monday because she knew her older brother would not be able to walk her home from the bus stop that day. Children told a teacher about the gun, leading to police being called.
6. 6th Graders Have Sex in During Shop Class
March 3, 2007
Indianapolis, IN
A middle school in suburban Indianapolis is gaining some unwanted national attention. Two sixth graders were caught having sex in class last November, and parents didn't find out until recently. Two days after an NBC affiliate uncovered hidden facts about two Raymond Park Middle School students engaging in sexual activity during shop class, Warren Township school administrators had not commented. The report is raising questions nationwide.
7. Male Teacher Charged After 70 Sexual Encounters with Student
February 27, 2007
Fond du Lac, WI
Cash bail of $5,000 was established Tuesday when high school teacher Michael Burman made his initial appearance in Fond du Lac County Circuit Court. Burman, 35, an English teacher at Horace Mann High School in North Fond du Lac, was formally charged with 10 counts of sexual assault of a student by school staff and 10 counts of child enticement.
8. U.S. court upholds same-sex teaching to children
February 24, 2007
Boston, MA
A federal judge in Boston has dismissed a suit by two families who wanted to stop a Massachusetts town and its public school system from teaching their children about gay marriage, court documents show.
9. Urbana teacher charged with molesting students
February 2, 2007
Urbana, IL
A second-grade teacher at an Urbana school, who formerly taught in the Twin Cities, has been charged with molesting three of his students. Jon Andrew White, 26, pleaded not guilty Thursday to three counts of predatory criminal sexual assault of a child, Champaign County State’s Attorney Julia Rietz said. The charges are Class X felonies, meaning White could face life in prison if convicted on two or more of the counts.
10. Teen Cut Schoolmate's Throat With Knife
December 4, 2006
North Vernon, IN
A Jennings County High School sophomore was arrested and a freshman was hospitalized after the first student cut the other's throat during a study-hall session Monday morning, police and school officials said. The sophomore sliced the right side of the freshman boy's throat in the school's cafeteria at about 8:30 a.m., leaving a 3-4 inch cut, and then ran outside the school, officials said.
11. Female Teacher Seduces Student
November 13, 2006
Brighton, CO
The arrest warrant for Carrie McCandless is for charges of sexual assault on a child by a person in a position of trust. She also faces a charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. McCandless was a teacher at Brighton Charter High School for more than six years, but her contract was terminated last week. She is also the principal's wife.
12. Teen Indicted for School Rapes and Sex Assaults
November 6, 2006
Frederick, MD
A 17-year-old boy has been indicted on charges of raping a girl and sexually assaulting three others inside Tuscarora High School in Frederick during the past two school years.
13. Gilbert Middle student charged in school fight
November 6, 2006
Columbia, SC
The 13-year-old Gilbert Middle School student was charged with assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature and disturbing schools after the incident Friday morning, Sheriff James Metts said in a news release. The boy, who is unidentified because of his age, is accused of pushing the other boy, who is 15, into a locker, then repeatedly punching him in the face. When the older boy fell to the ground, the younger boy is accused of kicking him in the upper torso, Metts said.
14. Student: Teacher Gave Me HIV
November 3, 2006
Newark, NJ
Prosecutors want a former Newark teacher accused by a student of infecting him with the virus that causes AIDS to be tested for the disease. Hassan Vann, 29, a former music teacher at West Side High School in Newark, was indicted Thursday, accused of sexually abusing a student who now has AIDS, the Essex County prosecutor's office said. Vann faces up to 30 years in prison and 14 charges, including sexual assault and contact, official misconduct, child welfare endangerment, giving drugs and alcohol to a child and failing to notify a sexual partner that he had a sexually transmitted disease.
15. High school assault investigation continues
October 31, 2006
Danvers, MA
Two more Danvers High School students, bringing the total to nine students in all, face assault and battery charges for their involvement last week in the bloody beating of a schoolmate who they claimed stole another boy’s wallet, police said Monday. Police on Friday had identified seven high school boys involved in the assault of a 17-year-old Danvers High School boy, which occurred at the close of school Thursday and caused the boy to be sent to Beverly Hospital with a broken nose and other facial injuries.
16. Needle Assault at High School
October 30, 2006
St. Albans, VT
Ava Staples walked down the hallway at BFA St. Albans between second and third periods when the junior felt a prick in her arm. "He just walked up and stabbed me with a needle and said you now have Hepatitis," said Staples.
17. Monrovia students sue over alleged misconduct of peers
September 13, 2006
Monrovia, IN
Four Monrovia Junior High School students have filed suit in Morgan County Superior Court II over actions that allegedly occurred in several Monrovia middle school classrooms during the 2005-2006 school year. Monroe-Gregg Attorney Steve Harris said the school board felt that since there is pending litigation on the matter, the board would not be making a comment at this time. Those allegations include reports of as many as eight boys taunting the girls using derogatory names.
18. Kettering School Principal Pleads No Contest In Assault Case
July 24, 2006
Kettering, OH
Authorities said a local elementary school principal pleaded no contest in connection with an assault case. Police said Timothy Johnson punched a woman in the face at a February concert at the Nutter Center. Johnson is principal at Greenmont Elementary School.
19. Guilty Plea In Marin Principal Pellet Gun Shooting
July 24, 2006
San Rafael, CA
A Lagunitas man has pleaded guilty to shooting his former Sir Francis Drake High School principal in the hand with a pellet gun during graduation ceremonies in June. William Washburn Castle, 18, faces up to three years in state prison or a year in the county jail and a $2,000 fine when he is sentenced Aug. 30 in Marin County Superior Court.
20. Former Teacher Arrested For Child Sex Abuse
July 24, 2006
Baltimore, MD
Baltimore County Police have arrested Stanley Virgil Ashman, 60, for allegedly sexually abusing a fourteen-year-old girl in 1973. Now, the police are asking any other possible victims to come forward. The abuse took place for approximately three years from 1973 through 1975 while Ashman taught at the Park School in the 2400-block of Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD.
21. Coach Indicted In Dublin Lacrosse Sex Case
July 14, 2006
Dublin, OH
Dublin police said they were notified of the alleged assault after a boy on the team was "forcibly raped on a charter bus," NBC 4 reported. According to the report, players witnessed the alleged assault, each saying that a coach used a black glove to sexually assault another player.
22. Students Arrested After Videotape Of Fight Surfaces On MySpace.com
June 12, 2006
Puyallup, WA
Two students were arrested after an alleged assault of an Emerald Ridge High School student was videotaped and posted on MySpace.com. The video showed two high school students attacking a classmate while another student video taped the fight with a night vision lens.
23. No sexual assault charges for Sierra Vista basketball player
June 12, 2006
Las Vegas, NV
A judge says there is not enough evidence to find a Sierra Vista High School basketball player guilty of sexually assaulting a fellow teammate. The 17 year old student was being tried as a juvenile in family court. The alleged assault happened back in February in the school's locker room. Players described the incident as mere hazing. However, the victim painted a different story. In the end, the judge says there wasn't enough evidence presented to prove "penetration". He did however find the teen delinquent of open and gross lewdness as well as battery.
24. 3 Boonton students charged in assault
June 12, 2006
Boonton, NJ
Three Boonton High students were arrested last week on assault charges after they allegedly struck, punched and tried to strangle a 14-year old classmate near the school. A 15-year old male student was charged with aggravated assault after he allegedly struck the victim in the head with a wooden stick, causing a cut which required medical attention, Capt. Curt James said.
25. Teachers Accused Of School Sex Quit
June 9, 2006
Tampa, FL
Two middle school teachers resigned after students reported seeing them having sex in a classroom, according to a school investigation. Frances J. Sepulveda, 30, and Bryant J. Wilburn, 29, turned in their resignations last month after two students at Coleman Middle School in Tampa reported they saw the teachers having sex. The classroom door was locked and a window was covered with paper, but a boy and a girl told school officials they could see inside.
26. Boy, 14, arrested in school assault
June 3, 2006
Edison, NJ
A 14-year-old Herbert Hoover Middle School student was arrested on assault and weapons charges Thursday after threatening a 13-year-old fellow student with what the victim's mother described as a 7-inch combat knife. Police said the 10:55 incident took place in a second-floor boys bathroom, where the older boy pushed the 13-year-old against a wall, brandished a silver knife and demanded his money.
27. Police join Monrovia school sex misconduct investigation
May 26, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
At least 15 girls at the school allege that several sixth-grade boys performed lewd acts in front of them. Superintendent Paul Kaiser says the school is in contact with all concerned parents and is continuing its investigation.
28. Weapons Underreported at High Schools, Audit Finds
May 23, 2006
Rochester, NY
Charlotte High School failed to report 31 incidents involving weapons to the State Education Department in 2003-04, according to a state audit. The school reported 8 of 39 incidents documented in school records.
29. Alleged Sex Assault Victim Testifies In Teacher/Coach's Hearing
May 23, 2006
Madison, WI
An 18-year-old Cambridge High School student took the stand in Jefferson County Court on Monday and gave an emotional account of how she said she was sexually assaulted by her former teacher.
30. Sex, booze & silence
May 18, 2006
Tecumseh, MI
At Tecumseh track coach's wild parties, he arranged alcohol, porn and girls for his athletes. It took years for him to be prosecuted. Why?
31. 1st- and 2nd-grade boys sexually assault girl
May 10, 2006
St. Louis, MO
Twelve boys in the first and second grade at a St. Louis elementary school are accused of sexually assaulting a second-grade girl during recess, authorities said Tuesday. One teacher who was supposed to be supervising the recess has been fired, and another suspended with pay, school superintendent Creg Williams said.
32. Asst. Principal Accused Of Telling Student To Videotape Sex
May 9, 2006
Deland, FL
Prosecutors say an assistant principal at DeLand High School tried to get a student to videotape herself having sex. The state attorney said Tyrone Tinsley also asked two girls to have sex with each other.
33. Student Plotting Washington School Shooting Charged
April 25, 2006
Puyallup, WA
A 16-year-old student accused of plotting to shoot people at Rogers High School, then kill himself "to finally go out in a blaze of hatred and fury" has been charged with first-degree attempted assault.
34. North Pole Unnerved by Alleged Plot to Kill Students
April 25, 2006
North Pole, AK
The arrests of six boys accused of planning a campus massacre has gripped this small Alaska town with an unsettling epiphany — if it can happen here, it can happen anywhere.
35. Pearl police officers arrest two teens for threats on Internet
April 23, 2006
Pearl, MS
Two teenagers who attend Pearl Junior High School are in police custody after authorities say they made a threat on a Web site. Police Chief Bill Slade says the students were arrested Thursday night after they allegedly created a page on the Web site Xanga using the name of convicted killer Luke Woodham, who in 1997 shot two Pearl students to death and wounded seven others after stabbing his mother to death.
36. Cops: Kansas School Shooting Foiled After MySpace Messages Intercepted
April 21, 2006
Riverton, KS
Five teenage boys accused of plotting a shooting rampage at their high school on the anniversary of the Columbine massacre were arrested Thursday after a message authorities said warned of a gun attack appeared on the Web site MySpace.com.
37. Teacher charged for giving student 'wedgie'
April 3, 2006
Albany, NY
A charter school teacher in Albany is out of the classroom and in the courtroom. Police say Mark Holley gave a 10-year-old New Covenant student a wedgie during a summer school program sometime between July and August 2005.
38. Teachers Suspended After 'Inappropriate Acts' On Bus
March 31, 2006
Lorain, OH
Three teachers investigated after "inappropriate acts" on a bus last week during a field trip have been suspended without pay for three days, according to a Lorain City Schools news release. Eight students, who are 12 to 13 years old, confessed to participating in ''inappropriate behavior'' on the back of the bus during the field trip.
39. Swampscott girl arrested for school attack
March 2, 2006
Boston, MA
One female high school student was taken out of school in handcuffs and a second girl was treated at the hospital after an assault at Swampscott High School early Tuesday afternoon. A 16-year-old female was arrested at the high school Tuesday on numerous charges including assault and battery, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, disorderly conduct and disturbing a public assembly.
40. Activists beseech HISD officials to safeguard students
March 1, 2006
Houston Chronicle, TX
Concerned about two recent sexual assaults on school campuses, minority community activists urged HISD Superintendent Abelardo Saavedra on Wednesday to take more aggressive steps to safeguard students. Saavedra, who has held the top post in the state's largest school district for 15 months, needs to add officers, ask for community help to patrol campuses and make sure the public receives accurate information about campus crimes, activists said.
41. School board OKs teacher's return to classroom after sex change
February 27, 2006
Eagleswood Township, NJ
To the students at Eagleswood Elementary School, she used to be Mr. McBeth. Now, after undergoing a sex change, 71-year-old Lily McBeth is ready to return to teaching. Despite criticism from leery parents, the Board of Education on Monday stood by its decision to allow McBeth to resume working as a substitute teacher _ "Miss McBeth."
42. Teacher denies she had sex with student
February 23, 2006
Tallahassee, FL
Elaine Turner, an exceptional-education teacher, denies having sex with one of her Wakulla High students as alleged by investigators who said the student admitted to a relationship. The investigation also shows that Turner and the student made more than 101 calls to each other after school. Turner, 36, was arrested Tuesday and charged with sexual assault. Qunikiya Thomas, 24, a teacher's aide and former substitute teacher, also was arrested on the same charges following an investigation into her relationship with another Wakulla High student.
43. Ferndale teacher charged with assault
February 23, 2006
Ferndale/Berkley Mirror, MI
Patricia Brown, a teacher at Roosevelt Elementary School in Ferndale, faces a preliminary exam at 11 a.m. on Thursday March 2 after being arraigned on assault and battery charges at Ferndale's District Court Tuesday afternoon. Lt. Norm Raymond said Brown surrendered to police Tuesday with her attorney, Clarence Bradfield, after a mother of a student at Roosevelt Elementary told school officials that Brown had assaulted her 6-year-old son. Bradfield could not be reached for comment Wednesday morning
44. 2:15 pm Ex-teacher charged with sex assault
February 22, 2006
Charlotte, NC
Huntersville Police arrested a retired middle school teacher Tuesday on several sexual assault charges after they say he allegedly had sex with a 12-year-old male student. District officials say Jimmie Vance Grubbs, 66, was a language arts teacher at Bradley Middle School for two years before retiring in August. The school district learned of Grubbs' arrest Wednesday morning. Grubbs, who lives
45. Teen arrested after school assault
February 17, 2006
Wayne County, DE
Trash talking prompted a Westland middle school student to assault another student, a teacher, an assistant principal and a police officer, officials said Thursday. The 14-year-old spent Wednesday night in the Wayne County Juvenile Detention Facility after being arrested at Adams Middle School that afternoon. Westland Police Officer Joe Bobby was dispatched to the school at 33475 Palmer Road at about 1:30 p.m. after someone reported that an out-of-control student was trashing a classroom.
46. Assault probe continues into BHS beating
February 16, 2006
Baldwin, KS
Douglas County Attorney Charles Branson has not yet determined whether charges will be filed against a 16-year-old Baldwin High School student who allegedly assaulted a 14-year-old schoolmate in the cafeteria Feb. 3. A tape of the incident was not turned over by BHS administrators until Wednesday morning. "We do have the video tape from the school," said Baldwin Police Chief Mike McKenna. "I will be taking it to the DA today."
47. The Heteroflexible, Pansensual, Bi-Curious Teenager?The Fast Lane in the American High School
February 15, 2006
New York, NY
Teenage sexuality has been a perpetual concern for parents--and for good reason. In our own times, American teenagers have unprecedented opportunities to experiment sexually and they are bombarded with cultural messages that encourage sexual experimentation and promiscuity. In a very real sense, the chickens have come home to roost as this nation faces the inevitable result of a breakdown in sexual morality. A shocking portrait of the new shape of teenage sexual activity is provided in a cover story published in the February 6, 2006 edition of New York. In "Love and the Ambisexual, Heteroflexible Teen," Alex Morris introduces us to the "cuddle puddle" of New York City's Stuyvesant High School. Brace yourselves--this is a shocking form of reality therapy.
48. Ex-school worker gets 3 years for sex assault
February 15, 2006
Madison, WI
A former DeForest school employee who is currently serving a jail term for stealing thousands of dollars worth of computer equipment from the school was sentenced to prison for three years Tuesday for sexually assaulting two 15-year-old boys. Dane County Circuit Judge James Martin also ordered Kevin Teed, 24, to serve eight years of extended supervision as part of the sexual assault sentence, as well as 20 years probation.
49. Metro Investigating Reported Assault at Sierra Vista H.S.
February 10, 2006
Las Vegas, NV
Metro Police are confirming to Eyewitness News that they are conducting a sexual assault investigation at Sierra Vista High School. The investigation is of a reported rape and involves players on the school's basketball team. This incident reportedly happened last week in a locker room at Sierra Vista. Metro says a member of the school's boys basketball team may have been sexually assaulted by as many as five other team members.
50. Teacher charged with assault on 4th grader
February 8, 2006
Lafayette, TN
Deborah Sharpe, a 4th grade school teacher at Westside Elementary School, was arrested and charged with one count of assault Wednesday, February 1, by Detective Bill Cothron with the Macon County Sheriff’s Department. Sharpe, 52, of Lafayette, has been a school teacher for approximately 20 years. The 4th grader, a student of Sharpes, told another teacher of the alleged incident. “On December 8th, an official complaint was filed to Mike Prock, Director of Schools by the child’s mother,” said Westside School Principal David Flynn. “The complaint, by the parent, contained information that a teacher [Sharpe] had alleged to have assaulted a minor child.” After the official complaint was filed, the child was immediately removed from the classroom. This type of complaint is immediately turned over to the Department of Children’s Services Special Investigation Unit. They began the official investigation. “The school has received no official findings or statements from DCS,” said Flynn. “I spoke with Sheriff Joe Ferguson and I am aware that she [Sharpe] has been arrested.”
51. School assault fix in works (subscription)
February 7, 2006
Wasilla, AK
MARY AMES/Frontiersman reporter A local school assault that ended with a slap on the wrist for the perpetrator now has a state-level profile that may lead to tougher laws governing such attacks. A secretary at Pioneer Peak Elementary School testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week about her less-than-pleasant experiences at work, hoping to help pass new legislation. An angry parent assaulted Toni Hartley last May after Hartley, in accordance with school district policy, asked to see some identification before she released a student to the woman.
52. The Cuddle Puddle of Stuyvesant High School
February 6, 2006
New York, NY
Researchers find it shocking that 11 percent of American girls between 15 and 19 claim to have same-sex encounters. Clearly they’ve never observed the social rituals of the pansexual, bi-queer, metroflexible New York teen.
53. Student injured in fight
February 1, 2006
Woodbury, NJ
An unidentified West Deptford High School student suffered a broken collarbone after "intervening" in a fight between two other students on Monday, police said. The fight broke out behind the football stadium shortly after noon on Monday -- a half-day at the school, according to Police Chief James Mehaffey. The two students in the original fight were not injured.
54. Teens Say They Performed Oral Sex For $10
February 1, 2006
Female students were being paid for sex at the high school where two boys assaulted a developmentally disabled classmate in the auditorium, a social worker claims in a police report. The social worker learned of the situation through a girl who said she had been paid to have sex with boys at Mifflin High School, according to the report obtained by The Columbus Dispatch on Tuesday.
55. HS Student Accused Of Sexual Assault Reassigned
February 1, 2006
The North Side Independent School District Police Department has reassigned an O'Connor High School student accused of sexually assaulting a female student on the school campus last week. Northside spokesman Pascual Gonzalez said as soon as the district was notified of the allegation, officials contacted the parents of the students involved.
56. Teacher hurt in second fight at LHS in three days
January 26, 2006
LongView, WA
A Longview High School teacher was injured breaking up a student fight Wednesday, two days after three other teachers were hurt in a student brawl. Police arrested two 16-year-old girls and charged them with assault of a public servant after teacher Deborah Conrad tried to break up a fight in a classroom above the cafeteria.
57. Former student pleads guilty to sex assault at Hill School
January 26, 2006
A former 20-year-old male Hill School student has admitted having sexual contact with a 14-year-old female student in the school’s photography studio. Vaughn Bun-camper of East 96th Street in New York City pleaded guilty in Montgom-ery County Court on Wednesday to a felony charge of statutory sexual assault and a misdemeanor charge of corruption of a minor in connection with the Feb. 18, 2005, incident.
58. 2 Brewster students, charged with assault, are released
January 25, 2006
Two Brewster High School students charged with assaulting two school administrators last week were released from jail yesterday after a town judge dropped their bail. The judge issued stern warnings to the boys, and told them they could end up back behind bars.
59. Giles does not want PHS to ignore incident
January 24, 2006
With words like denial and cover-up, Irene Giles talks with fiery passion about what happened to her son at Petersburg High School earlier this month and how school officials are trying to ignore the incident.
60. Ex-teacher waives hearing in assaults
January 19, 2006
former Wrightstown teacher accused of having sexual contact with two students waived his right to a preliminary hearing Wednesday in Outagamie County Circuit Court. Stephen C. Sherman, 29, 380 Bicentennial Court, No. 5, Kaukauna appeared before Court Commissioner Brian Figy on charges of second-degree sexual assault and sexual assault of a student by a school staff member.
61. Again! Homosexual teacher gets no jail for teen assault
January 19, 2006
Orfordville, WI
For the second time this week, a homosexual teacher has been given no prison time for sexually assaulting one of his students. The latest case involves Gary Hoff, a 44-year-old former choir instructor for the Parkview School District in Orfordville, Wis.
62. 13-Year-Old Arrested For School Assault
January 19, 2006
Police in Fairborn said officers arrested a seventh-grade girl after they said she punched another student in school on Thursday morning. According to the superintendent, Dave Scarberry, the fight was over a cell phone. He said the girl who threw the punches could be thrown out of school.
63. Ex-Teacher Sentenced For Improper Contact With Student
January 18, 2006
A Janesville man and former high school choir teacher was sentenced to three years probation on Tuesday after he pleaded no contest to disorderly conduct and misdemeanor sexual assault charges. Gary Hoff, a former teacher at Parkview High School, was accused of having improper contact with a 16-year-old student. That student is now 17 years old, WISC-TV reported.
January 18, 2006
Brockton, MA
A former high school teacher who pleaded guilty to the homosexual rape of one of his teenage students will avoid jail time. Gregory Pathiakis, 26, of Brockton, Mass., pleaded guilty yesterday to one count of rape of a child, enticement of a child under 16, five counts of possession of child pornography and one count of distribution of harmful material to a child, according to the Enterprise newspaper of Brockton, Mass.
65. Dearborn Teacher Charged With Sexual Assault (subscription)
January 18, 2006
Dearborn, MI
A teacher at Fordson High School was charged with sexual conduct in the 2nd degree on Wednesday and police said two of his victims were students. 45-year-old Kalvin McCormack had been teaching for years, first at Dearborn High School and then at Fordson. He was trusted by many students and parents because he was also a wrestling coach and a youth pastor at a Dearborn church.
66. Teacher investigated for 'raping' boy quits
January 11, 2006
Ayersville, OH
A 29-year-old woman has resigned her teaching post in Ohio after being accused of raping a 17-year-old boy. Nicole Long, an English instructor at Ayersville High School submitted her resignation to the local education officials, after it became known she's under investigation by the Defiance County Sheriff's Office for possible charges of sexual battery involving a student.
67. Again! Woman 'has sex with boy, 12'
January 5, 2006
Buttonwillow, CA
A California woman is the latest teacher suspected of raping a student, as 41-year old Sherry Brians is in custody for allegedly having a sexual relationship with a 12-year old boy.
68. 2 EACS boys allegedly rape girl at school
January 4, 2006
Fort Wayne, IN
Two Prince Chapman Academy students were arrested Tuesday on juvenile charges of rape after a student at the school reported she had been sexually assaulted by the two boys, a police report said. School officials called the Allen County Sheriff’s Department Tuesday afternoon after the 14-year-old girl told school staff that the two teens told her to skip sixth period, grabbed her and took her into a locker room near the gymnasium, an Allen County Sheriff’s Department report said
69. High-school coach charged in teen-sex case
December 29, 2005
El Paso, TX
An Andress High School assistant boys basketball coach faces a felony charge for allegedly having sex with a 17-year-old female student in a campus locker room, court documents state. Michael Pinson, 34, was arrested Friday by El Paso Independent School District police on a charge of improper relationship between an educator and student, district officials said. Pinson was released on a $50,000 bond. A man who answered Pinson's telephone declined to comment.
70. State briefs (subscription)
December 29, 2005
Charleston, WV
A former sixth-grade teacher pleaded guilty Wednesday to charges of having sex with three juveniles. Toni Woods, 37, of Strange Creek was accused of having sexual intercourse with three juveniles a total of four times and oral sex with one of those juveniles and a fourth juvenile a total of four times, according to a criminal complaint.
71. Lincoln man pleads guilty to school sex assault
December 29, 2005
Lincoln, NE
Joseph Siems Jr. pleaded guilty Thursday to sexually assaulting a 5-year-old boy in an Arnold Elementary School restroom in September. Siems Jr. Siems, 27, could receive up to 50 years in prison when he is sentenced Jan. 17 by Lancaster County District Judge Karen B. Flowers. Prosecutors said Siems rode a city bus to Arnold, 5300 W. Knight Drive, Sept. 22 intent on sexually assaulting a child. He later told Lincoln Police that he hid in a stall in the boys’ restroom and waited for someone to enter the room.
72. Tecumseh student guilty in sex case
December 28, 2005
Toledo, OH
An 18-year-old Tecumseh High School student has pleaded guilty to one count of third-degree criminal sexual conduct related to sexual assault incidents last summer involving three Tecumseh girls. David Mecum had faced three sexual conduct and three assault charges, but pleaded to the lesser offense, which could bring him up to 15 years in prison. Mecum is out on a personal recognizance bond. He will be sentenced Feb. 3 in Lenawee County District Court.
73. Meeting Set Over Alleged Middle School Assault in Wheeling
December 26, 2005
Charleston, WV
The parents of 13-year-old Richard Hall, the alleged victim and their attorney will meet with the Ohio County School Board tuesday, to discuss the incident that allegedly happened at Wheeling Middle School last week. Richard Hall says that 7th grade basketball coach, Tim Hammers, grabbed him by the shirt and threw him into the bleachers after practice on Thursday. Wheeling Police are investigating. No charges have been filed, but Hammers turned in his resignation on Friday.
74. Tremper Teacher Accused Of Sexual Assault
December 22, 2005
Kenosha, WI
A Kenosha Tremper High School teacher is accused of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy. Police said Michael Sosinski met the teenager on the Internet.
75. Ulster grand jury indicts teen in Kingston High School assault
December 14, 2005
Newburgh, NY
A 16-year-old City of Kingston youth has been indicted by an Ulster County grand jury for allegedly attacking two 14-year-old students at Kingston High School on October 7. Joseph Williams was indicted on two felony counts charging him with assault in the second degree and attempted assault in the second degree. One victim suffered fractures of his facial bones and protracted impairment of his vision while the second sustained bruises and substantial pain.
76. Boy breaks jaw, loses teeth in locker room assault
December 9, 2005
Billings Gazette, MT
A seventh-grade boy fell and broke his jaw and lost seven teeth after a fellow student grabbed him from behind in the locker room and squeezed his chest until he passed out, school officials said. Thompson Falls Superintendent Jerry Pauli said Friday the school board took action against the offending student at a meeting Thursday night, but he declined to say if the offender was suspended or expelled. He said the school's attorney urged the board not to comment to protect the student's privacy.
77. Report lacks full story on school safety
December 8, 2005
Denver, CO
In May, according to a police report, a high school student, walking through a Jefferson County school parking lot, was attacked by eight kids, a number of them students at the school. They punched the victim in the face and, for good measure, stomped on his head as he lay on the ground. The school's security guard and vice principal reported that the student ended up with blood on his face and knuckles.
78. School sex article questioned
December 6, 2005
Students were trying to protect fellow teens’ well-being with a high school newspaper article on the risks of oral sex, school officials said. The four-page report in last week’s Columbus North Triangle emerged after a student brainstorming session, said Kim Green, the school’s publications adviser. The report, titled “That Other Sex,” discussed oral sex and its medical and psychological risks and featured student interviews on how widespread it has become. “This is not just a group of kids trying to push the envelope,” Green said Monday.
79. Did 'rapist' teacher have sex with 3 other boys?
November 26, 2005
Greenwood, AR
An Arkansas mother of five accused of having sex with one of her junior high school students may have had sex with three other juveniles in another school district.
80. Teacher Faces Life For Student Sex Assault
November 23, 2005
Denver, CO
A former teacher at Pine Creek High School faces the possibility of life in prison, when he's sentenced next year for sexually assaulting a student. Derrick Adam Davies, 30, of Colorado Springs pleaded guilty Tuesday to sexual assault on a child by a person in a position of trust.
81. Chugiak High student charged with sexual assault
November 23, 2005
Anchorage, AK
A Chugiak High School student is behind bars, charged with sexually assaulting and harassing his classmates. Police say 18-year-old Cody Bolton repeatedly touched two girls and one boy over the past year. The boy claims Bolton physically and sexually assaulted him many times since 2003.
82. Teen Accused Of Sex Assault On Freshman In School
November 23, 2005
Denver, CO
A high school junior accused of sexually assaulting a freshman girl in a school hallway has been expelled and faces 11 criminal charges. The 17-year-old boy appeared in court Tuesday. Police said the boy allegedly cornered a 15-year-old girl in an empty hall at Arvada West High School as she was waiting for a ride home Nov. 14.
83. Guilty of sex with student, teacher avoids prison
November 23, 2005
Temple Terrace, FL
Debra Lafave, a former remedial reading teacher at Greco Middle School in Temple Terrace, Florida, pleaded guilty to two counts of lewd and lascivious behavior, and was sentenced to three years of house arrest followed by seven years probation. She also must register as a sex offender.
84. Arrest Warrants Served in School Assault Case
November 22, 2005
Lafayette, LA
Two middle school students who allegedly assaulted a fellow classmate with a pair of scissors are being served with arrest warrants. The incident took place last Wednesday at Central Middle School in Eunice. Eunice police say the two boys threw scissors at another student after he refused to deliver a suggestive letter to his older sister.
85. NJ Student Hospitalized After School Assault
November 21, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
Five students were arrested Monday after severely beating a student inside a New Jersey high school. Officials say four males and a female assaulted a student a Vineland High School just after 1:00 p.m. The five suspects allegedly punched and kicked the student multiple times causing him to fall onto the cement floor.
86. Teacher pleads out indecent assault charge
November 17, 2005
Framingham, MA
A former Holliston middle-school teacher will be on probation for five years and face a sex-offender evaluation among other conditions imposed by a judge yesterday in Framingham District Court. Thomas V. Collins, 71, of 20 Kinsley Lane, Mendon, waived his right to a trial on charges of indecent assault and battery on a person older than 14.
87. Convicted sex offender faces 5 new counts of sexual assault
November 16, 2005
Honolulu, HI
An O'ahu grand jury yesterday indicted a Kaimuki man on charges that he sexually assaulted a 10-year-old boy over a two-month period this year. Christopher Brainerd was charged with five counts of third-degree sexual assault and one count of failing to update information for the state's sex offender registry. Bail was set at $50,000.
88. Teens cited for assault and robbery at RHS
November 16, 2005
Redlands, CA
Two teens were cited and released to their parents Tuesday in connection with an assault and attempted robbery that occurred against anther teen at Redlands High School, according to police. A 15-year-old boy was cited for attempting to rob a 17-year-old of his iPOD and some cash, police said. A 14-year-old was cited for assault after he hit the 17-year-old in the face while wearing a large ring, according to reports. The alleged incidents occurred Nov. 9, official said.
89. School aide charged with sex assault (subscription)
November 16, 2005
Racine, WI
A female teachers aide for the Racine Unified School District has been charged with sexually assaulting a male student. Lisa Myhre, 33, of Racine faces charges of sexual assault of a student by a member of the instructional staff and repeated first-degree sexual assault of the same child, according to a criminal complaint released Wednesday.
90. Two teenagers plead guilty to assault, not rape, of student (subscription)
November 10, 2005
Canton, OH
Two teenagers accused of raping a developmentally disabled classmate in a high school auditorium pleaded guilty to felonious assault Wednesday in an agreement with prosecutors that dropped the rape charges. Prosecutors also dropped charges of kidnapping and sexual battery against Timothy Armistead, 16, and Brandyn Hobbs, 15. The boys forced a 16-year-old girl to perform oral sex on them March 9 at Mifflin High School while another student videotaped, prosecutors said.
91. School officials say no assault occurred at BE
November 9, 2005
Orange, TX
Cove school district Superintendent Dr. Taylor Collins has denied allegations by a student's mother that her daughter was assaulted last week at Bancroft Elementary School. “I am absolutely convinced that these charges are false,” Collins said via an e-mailed press release. “No assault took place. No punishment was being administered to the student. I believe the filing of these charges by the parent is malicious on the face of it and designed to interfere with the proper functioning of the school and to malign our teachers.”
92. Teacher charged with sexual assault (subscription)
November 9, 2005
Woodbridge, VA
An Osbourn Park High School teacher is accused of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old student in one of the school’s classrooms on Oct. 27, Prince William County police said. Jeffrey Duane Wilson, a business and marketing teacher at the school, is charged with indecent liberties with a child by a person in a managerial position,” said 1st Sgt. Kim Chinn, police spokeswoman.
93. School shooting suspect makes first court appearance
November 8, 2005
Knoxville, TN
Jacksboro, Campbell County (WVLT) - The 14-year-old Campbell County High School student who's accused of a fatal shooting inside his school last week finally makes his way into court. Volunteer TV's Kim Bedford is at the courthouse in Jacksboro with details on Wednesday's much anticipated hearing for Kenny Bartley, Jr. 14-year-old Kenney Bartley will spend about the next two and a half months in the Knox County Juvenile Detention Center.
94. Court dismisses parents' school sex survey suit
November 4, 2005
Monterey, CA
A federal appeals court dismissed a lawsuit by elementary school parents who were outraged that the Palmdale School District surveyed students about sex. While the surveys asked students how often they thought about sex, among other questions, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said Wednesday that parents of public school children have no "fundamental right" to be the exclusive provider of sexual information to their children.
95. Pro-Family Groups Denounce Court Decision Over Elementary School Sex Questions
November 4, 2005
San Francisco, CA
A federal court ruling yesterday said it was legal for a public school district to issue a survey that includes questions on sexual topics to elementary school children. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled in the "Fields v. Palmdale School District Case" that parents do not have the “exclusive” right to teach their children about sex if they are enrolled in a public school.
96. J.V. Football Players Accused Of Attempted Rape
September 29, 2005
Laurel, MD
Two 14-year-old high school students face charges of attempted rape and sexual assault. Police said members of the Laurel High School junior varsity football team allegedly grabbed a 13-year-old girl at about 3:30 p.m. Tuesday. Police allege that the boys pulled the girl into a locker room where they allegedly sexually assaulted and attempted to rape her.
97. Teacher to serve six months for sexual assault
September 29, 2005
St. Albans, VT
She was arrested in January and charged with three counts of sexual assault on a minor younger than 16. According to police, Copley had sexual relations with two 15-year-old boys who attended Richford High School in fall 2004. Copley also was charged with one count of furnishing or selling alcohol to a minor.
98. Coach Faces Additional Molestation Charges
September 10, 2005
Palo Alto, CA
Bill Giordano, the Palo Alto middle school gym teacher charged with the sexual assault of a 14-year-old student more than a decade ago, faced new allegations in court Friday of another sexual incident with a 13-year-old student just three years ago. The case was investigated in May 2003 by Palo Alto police and sent to Santa Clara County prosecutors. They chose not to bring the case to court. ``There was insufficient evidence,'' said Victoria Brown, assistant district attorney for sex crimes.
99. Accused Littleton teacher arrested again
August 25, 2005
Littleton, CO
A Littleton middle school teacher who was arrested earlier this month for allegedly molesting a boy at a swimming pool is facing more charges.
100. 65 out of 490 girls at school pregnant
August 23, 2005
Canton, OH
Shocking school administrators and others community members, fully 13 percent of the female students at an Ohio high school currently are pregnant. According to a report in the Canton Repository, 65 girls of the 490 females at Timken High School are with child – a number confirmed by Principal Kim Redmond.
101. Lesbian Teacher Marries Student in Pagan Ritual
May 4, 2005
South Haven, MI
Police said Miklosovic, a former language arts teacher at Baseline Middle School in South Haven, had sexual relations with a female student. Authorities said some of the sexual contact occurred in the teacher's Grand Rapids home, which Miklosovic shared with her longtime partner and their adopted son.

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